Local race tracks for radio control
Date Posted:19 October 2022

R/C race tracks close to NBHC
St Ives rc club 1/10 at stives showground is the sight of the 1989 world titals for off road racing and now an out door rc carpet track this track is open to the public on non race days currently racing 2ed and 4th sunday of the month weather permiting for more infomation https://www.facebook.com/stivesrccc this track is for 1/10 electric cars only
Sydney rc car club 1/10 is at Blenheim Park, north ryde near epping road this is a clay track this track is open to the public on non race days currently racing 2ed and 4th sunday of the month weather permiting for more infomation https://www.facebook.com/sydneyrccarclub this track is for 1/10 electric cars only
hills offroad r/c club 1/10 at fred Caterson Resvere castle hill is a diry rc track. this track is open to the public on non race days currently racing 1st and 3ed sunday of the month weather permiting for morew infomation https://www.facebook.com/hillsoffroadrcclub this track is for 1/10 electric cars only
on road tracks
Sydney motor autosports 1/10 is at Holbeach Ave, Tempe race tuesday nights wather permiting and is a converted 2 tenis courts
only open race days for more infomation https://www.facebook.com/smaracing 1/10 electric cars only
Castle hill on road raceway has 2 locations castle hill show grounds race friday nights and whalan reserve race some sundays
castle hill track only open race days. whalan open to public on non race days for more infomation https://www.facebook.com/castlehillrconroad